Manila Med


"Today, people can easily and safely lose weight", popular nutritionists speak with one voice. Mind you, it doesn’t mean surgery or strict diets. These are a thing of the past! Finally, there is a way to save the world from the problem of excess weight and it’s called Mega Slim Body!

This is the latest innovation in the world of weight control. The effect provided by Mega Slim Body can be compared only with liposuction! Studies have confirmed that the daily administration of the formula allows to lose 10-20 kg a month, and this is all excessive fat in the body.

WHAT IS Mega Slim Body?

It is a natural product, containing a powerful fat burning complex of vitamins and nutrients. But, unlike other similar brands, their concentration is so high that this boosts the metabolism and, as a consequence, allows a rapid removal of excess kilos.

Strict diet, such as when taking sports fat burners IS NOT REQUIRED! All you need is a proper balanced diet, so that your body can maintain a high metabolic rate.


Kim Velasco, MD dietician, endocrinologist:

As a specialist with 25-year experience, let me tell you that most popular slimming ways, for example low-calorie diet, mono-diet and too much exercise DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD! They may allow you to achieve a temporary result, but in the end any change in your regime will result in reverse effect and you`ll get a “lazy” matebolism that deteriorates your health.

However, in order to lose weight and keep it off in the future, your metabolism must be very fast.

Mega Slim Body contains natural ingredients that accelerate the metabolism. This means that the body is encouraged to quickly spend all the accumulated fat and not to store new fat deposits. As of today, Mega Slim Body is the only effective way to healthy weight loss.

Jea Sabaraza, nutritionist:

When my patients asked me, ‘Help me lose 20 kilograms’, I used to have only one answer, ‘Liposuction is the only way to go if you are after fast results.’

Today though, I recommend to everyone to slim down only with Mega Slim Body. First, it is safe for people at any age.

And second, positive result is guaranteed, regardless of age, health condition or gender. The average weekly weight loss equals 5-7 kg. Oddly enough, the so-called problem areas - abdomen, thighs, buttocks are the first to trim down’.

We bring to your attention the results of a survey, which was beyond our expectations:

Nowadays, Mega Slim Body is becoming increasingly popular. It is recommended not only by nutritionists but also by famous fitness coaches and athletes.The product was granted a special certificate, which confirms the clinical studies performed in our laboratory.

And now the good news. Health and Beauty Centre is running a special program in order to help people who try to win the battle against excess weight. Under this project, those who need to lose weight, have a chance to buy "Mega Slim Body" at special discount. We don’t have the intention to make money on this brand, we just want everyone, regardless of their financial condition to lose weight and live a healthy and active life!

The project lasts until inclusive. Don’t put it off !



I will certainly try and will be back in touch about the results. I start college soon, I want to start a new life with a new figure. Back in school I was bullied by boys who called me fatso. I will shed ten kilos and will be the queen of the class!

Kim Velasco

Ava, make sure you adhere to the recommended dosage, the product is very powerful, and you may lose 20 kg instead of 10.


Emily Leones

Girls, I tell you what, I tried this stuff, and if you do it properly, it gives great results. Don’t overdo it though. That's me now!


Girls, I tell you what, I tried this stuff, and if you do it properly, it gives great results. Don’t overdo it though. That's me now!


Unfortunately, I can't brag yet, since I've been taking Mega Slim Body for just a week. It's hard to believe, but during the first 7 days I shed 3 kg, only 18 kg to go! I can do it! I must :)

Silvio Penate

Hi, I tried Mega Slim Body. But over the last month I lost only 4 kg ((((

Kim Velasco

Silvio Penate, you possibly didn't pay enough attention to the directions for use when reading the product information sheet, please read it carefully, and take it strictly as instructed!


Hi! Mega Slim Body made me lose 11 kg in a month. It was a year ago, my weight is stable!


I also managed to lose weight! Good luck to everyone, fingers crossed!

Monique CRUZ

I started taking it, I ate everything I want, and despite this I lost 9 kg. I reckon this is the best weight loss product I've ever tried, and what I liked most is that you don’t have to kill yourself in the gym, for which I have neither time nor desire. For people like me this is just perfect! I recommend! Here are my results:

Rosalind Lagmay

Before taking Mega Slim Body my body mass was 90 kg. When I was young, I was always slender, but with age I put on some belly and waist fat. I am 35 years old, and I realised I urgently need to brush up. I went to the gym for almost a year but couldn't get back to my former shape. Then I tried Mega Slim Body and in a matter of weeks I turned into the man I used to be. Now I am looking after my body, I always have a couple of packages of Mega Slim Body, just in case

BEATRIZ salazar

Mega Slim Body has become my life saver. A few years ago, I had a bad car accident and couldn't move for 8 months. I stayed in bed and gained 32 kg! Little by little I began to walk with a stick, but there was no way to start workouts, I was still weak, and the excess weight made the whole situation even worse. I tried Mega Slim Body. The first changes were visible in a week time. I can't say the weight loss was spectacular, but it felt like my body started to work faster, better digest food and so on. I am very happy and very grateful to my friend who discovered Mega Slim Body.


I can speak only for myself, Mega Slim Body worked great. Showing off ;) I’ve become 16 kg lighter in six weeks. Trying to keep up ;)


Why don't you just stop eating? Well, I could understand being a child - you eat as you are told, but when you grow up... Why can't you control yourselves and simply refrain from eating?

Kim Velasco

Jessa, for your information, there are people who are genetically predisposed to weight gain, diet and medications are helpless in this case. If you are not prone to weight gain, good on you! But I assure you that not all people are lucky as you.



I am surprised you say that Mega Slim Body is known only to nutritionists. I’ve been taking it for 2 years. It helped me lose 14 kg. Now I take it to maintain the results plus it’s rich in vitamins and nutrients


How come everyone is expected to be standard? Why does everyone have to be slim? I weigh 79 kg, I am 167 cm and I feel all right about it. I like the way I look, and I feel great!

Kim Velasco

The thing is that the 21st century standards make girls take extreme steps and look like models, most of such extreme ways affect their health. That's why we have created the product that allows safe slimming.



Just placed my order, have to wait a bit :)


Girls! i urgently need to shed 18 kgs!!!!!!!!!! I stayed at home for six months and so i put on weight. Help, mayday!!

Kim Velasco

Tina, laziness is not the best quality, but fortunately you are in luck, Mega Slim Body is what you need.


Ro Liesa

The official website of the manufacturer is the only place where you can buy Mega Slim Body in our country, is it?

Kim Velasco

Ro, I am afraid so. The pharmacies are trying to cash in on people while we want to help them solve their health problems. Chemists refuse to sell it without extra profit, so now we have to sell online to be in control of the price and make it affordable to you.



My wife is struggling to lose weight. When we got married, she was 53 kg, but now she weighs 68. The worst of it is that she doesn't see any problem. You are right, once you get used to the new weight it seems absolutely normal.

Kim Velasco

Darren - indeed, but if it's a problem for you, you can try to offer her Mega Slim Body, it's not a very nice way, but at least she will be very surprised how easily and quickly she is losing weight. Also, Mega Slim Body works great as a dietary supplement.



I have been taking Mega Slim Body for a while. I used to be overweight, but it's all gone now, I can eat everything, and if I start putting on weight again, I just take a course and I am back in shape.

Kim Velasco

Sarah - my advice to you - follow the plan till the end and this will last you for a long time, and while doing it, keep to a balanced diet.



I have 97 kg in me. I don't know how to get rid of them. I don't want to reach the 100 kg mark. what could i do????? help!!!!!!! Can i buy Mega Slim Body "in pharmacies??????"


Marinel, you can certainly try and see what you can find, however I saw it only on on the official website of the manufacturer and this is the most reliable way.

Kim Velasco

Marinel, don't panic, it's all fixable. Now, unfortunately, Mega Slim Body is not available in pharmacy for already mentioned reasons. Order Mega Slim Body online and take it as directed if you want to achieve the desired result.


Jenna Ganzon

Hello, I am 50 years old and I am trying to lose weight. I knew that age makes it difficult, but I am stubborn. I decided to try and ordered the course of Mega Slim Body. Within a few weeks I ordered some more because I achieved rather impressive results! I lost 6 kilos!!! Meanwhile I tried to keep a proper diet and workout, but such results are nevertheless very good surprise. Thanks for the article. I highly recommend Mega Slim Body


I'm so glad I found this article. I nearly gave up trying to get a slender body. I started taking Mega Slim Body just a week ago. Six kgs are gone. I still have the same lifestyle, I eat the same food as before, I reduced the amount of it though. My huge appetite disappeared, I no longer want to munch on something all the time. I don't know who came up with such great formula but thanks a lot for that!


It feels so nice when you want something really badly, but it's almost impossible to achieve. But when you finally get it and it seems to be a miracle. I have lost 10 kilos sticking to the same routine. My friends are astonished, they reckon I'm on a rigid diet, they are worried about me. I say nothing, let them guess)))))

Kim Velasco

Angela, don't mention it. The only thing that matters for us is the good health of our people.



Folks, tell me, where did you buy it? Chemist don't stock it. I'd hate to get a fake, it will do no good.

Kim Velasco

Let me repeat once again, Mega Slim Body is available ONLY on the official website of the manufacturer. If you want to be sure, simply click on the "Manufacturer's website" button below! Our readers will be offered a nice discount, as agreed with the manufacturer. But it will not last forever. It's time to hurry up and place your orders!!

Beware of fakes.



Excellent, it rid me of extra kilos in just 2 weeks. Not only it works great but I also liked the discount!